Our community
Laiv.it offers everyone a self-managed stage to make stories together and play characters without an audience, just for ourselves. We call these "chamber" live-action roleplaying games, because they’re playable in any context and in just a few hours. You only need a handful of friends and the author's outline. No game masters, no facilitators. Just players.
Anyone who joins one of the events in our Chamber LARP Grand Tour becomes a member oftheItalian Chamber Orchestra, the one and only ensemble without instruments or scores. The only way to play is pretending, and improv is our jam.
Collective game design workshopLarpJam
First Italian convention dedicated to chamber LARP.Chambercon
Free space for unidentified playing objects.Freeform
The events of the Grand Tour are also a way to test our games for Crescendo Giocoso, the anthology series collecting all the best scenarios written by the Orchestra.
Imagine a group gathered around a campfire, telling stories as a moment of shared intimacy and mutual understanding. A small circle of people, like in tabletop games, but the emotion makes them stand up on their feet, like in live-action games. There's no narrating voice: each player lives through the story, speaking in their characters’ voices and lending them a body to move around in.