Large-scale international LARP events

Chaos League is a collective of actors, musicians, directors, pedagogues, and writers who believe in the need to create shared stories, improvisational spaces, new forms of existence. Together we've sewn and painted, written and designed game mechanics, helping create large-scale live events in our own small way.

As we got Chaos League to share in our passion for chamber live-action roleplaying games: one of their scenarios is part of Crescendo Giocoso, while our games have won plenty of player awards duringItalian Larp Festival , and have also been featured in workshops at Laboratorio 41. Together we walk the Southern Way New Italian Larp.

  • Maria designs costumes for historical LARPs 1630 and 1631.
  • Oscar participates in designing and writing Fallout LARP Bunker 101. Maria works on props and costumes. Chiara translates the event for the English edition.
  • Oscar participates in designing and writing Eighties LARP The secrets we keep. Chiara translates the event for the English edition.
  • Oscar participates in writing characters for the Lovecraftian desert LARP Sahara Expedition. Maria works on props and costumes. Chiara translates the event for the English edition.

A different way to make LARPs than our usual "chamber" games, with larger-than-life experiences and proper adventurous journeys.

A series of fascinating events, where you can get away from yourself for a few days and come back with memories from a different life... As well as the new friends you picked up along the way.

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