Chamber live-action roleplaying anthologies
The Italian Chamber Orchestra is proud to present its role-playlists. Each is a collection of twelve live-action roleplaying scenarios, written by Italian authors and meant for everyone out there. No matter how many of you there are, or whether you have an hour of free time or four, our role-playlist has a track made just for you. No need for game masters or facilitators: just players.

We like to think of roleplaying as something very simple. As children, we all liked to play pretend: «Wanna play heroes and villains?» is an ancient tradition. «Wanna play musicians?» is the Italian Chamber Orchestra's favourite game. So the community behind started holding jam sessions, and the Crescendo Giocoso series is the result of our improvised games, as well as a way to share them with the world.
Kickstarter for the first Crescendo Giocoso and its digital extra volume Crescendo Giocoso B-Side.2017
Kickstarter for Crescendo Giocoso Ritornello and its digital extra volume Ritornello B-Side.2020
Crescendo Giocoso Ritornello is the first Italian game and the first LARP to be crowned Game of the Year at the Indie Groundbreaker Awards.2021
Both scenario anthologies are available in Italian and English, physically and digitally. And both were produced along with a selection of high-quality prints.
A roleplaying game becomes “live-action” when its story is played while standing up, more like actors on a stage than writers around a table, and “chamber” when it can be played anywhere, even at home with a few friends. The scenarios collected inside Crescendo Giocoso are thus "chamber live-action roleplaying games", or chamber LARP.
Thanks to the B-Side volumes of Crescendo Giocoso, the Orchestra has picked up a few international authors along the way. The International Chamber Orchestra is a way to share stories between different communities and fuel our passion through dialogue.
Mikolaj Wicher Polish game designer
"In gergo, questi giochi vengono chiamati "chamber larp". Questa forma è ideale per mettere alla prova un'idea, perché permette all'autore di avere un controllo quasi assoluto sull'esperienza che i giocatori andranno a vivere.”
Evan TornerUSA scholar and game designer
"Live-action roleplaying games are not only designed; they emerge from specific LARP cultures and communities. These are creations from a very specific milieu engaged in very specific and ongoing debates."
Robert DaviesPlayer and journalist for Larpbook
“Invece di avere un solo autore (come in un romanzo) o regista (come un film), assomiglia più a una jam session: tutti i giocatori imparano a giocare come collettivo. Un po' come un'orchestra che impara insieme a suonare un pezzo.”
Joanna PiancastelliBritish game designer
"Players who approach a scenario with open minds, a willingness to be creative, and respect for the boundaries of both the game’s design and their fellow players are the element that brings the whole experience together. It’s what made it possible for the Italian Chamber Orchestra to create this collection."
Brie Beau SheldonGame interviews, design, and theory on Thoughty
“L'idea dell'Italian Chamber Orchestra che si ritrova per scrivere giochi è davvero brillante e piena di spirito di collaborazione. L'aspetto della loro playlist è proprio al bacio!”
Tom & AvaPodcast Shut up and sit down
“Una playlist di giochi scritti da un gruppo di autori che si spaccia per Orchestra. Ci eravamo illusi che esistesse un'orchestra italiana da camera che compone colonne sonore per larp, ma anche così sembrano dodici giochi intriganti!”
Kathryn Hymes & Hakan SeyalıoğluGame designers for Thorny Games
"t we’re big believers in making games to find your people, as do Chiara, Maria, Oscar and every soul in who decided to come play with the Italian Chamber Orchestra."
Enrico ProcacciJournalist for Gioconomicon
“Nel mondo dei giochi sia diventato sempre più importante porre l'attenzione anche sui dettagli grafici e sul packaging. Crescendo Giocoso Ritornello appare da subito come un libro prima di tutto piacevole da sfogliare.”