Independent game designers

Beyond our ongoing exchange of ideas, we partner with Mammut RPG to publish mammothish gamesFrom field testing ideas to curating the look and feel of each game, our common denominator is the care we put into details and the search of an original model for Italian roleplaying games.

Mammothish is the word these authors use for small games written with hard work and passion, only apparently slow and clumsy.

  • Infinite Minutes makes an appearance in Crescendo Giocoso B-Side: a live-action scenario written by Antonio Amato and developed within
  • The new edition of Infinite Minutes is the first game in the Key to the City, the collection by Dreamlord Games and NessunDove solely made for Italian games.
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  • We play before creating, because other people’s games are a source of inspiration.
  • We play before translating, because a correct translation requires a solid understanding of the game.
  • We play before editing, because the rules of a game come out better after you’ve tried them.
  • We play before laying out the text, because the game, as a physical or digital object, must be of service to the act of play.
  • We play before illustrating, because the illustrations must convey atmosphere to the players.
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