Crescendo Giocoso Ritornello

From 19,00 to 90,00


Ladies and gentlemen, the Italian Chamber Orchestra is back on stage. Thanks to the outstanding enthusiasm shown by our The Kickstarterbackers,we’re proud to present our new role-playlist: Crescendo Giocoso Ritornello, a collection of twelve live action roleplaying scenarios, written by Italian authors and meant for everyone out there.

A crescendo of all-new, stand-alone scenarios, each for a different number of players, from 2 to 12 all the way up to 24 with the final game. No matter how many of you there are, no matter if you have 1 hour to spare or 4, our role-playlist has a track just for you. You’ll need no game masters, no facilitators. Just players.

  • Hardcover edition
    • Format: 21 x 21 cm, 360 pages – Binding: Twist-stitching – Finish: UV varnish
  • Cover photo print set
    • Format: 12 prints, 13 x 13 cm each – Material: Fuji Supreme photographic paper
  • Baryta paper print
    • Format: 1 print, 20 x 20 cm – Material: Baryta paper

The new anthology of 12 live action roleplaying scenarios written by the Italian Chamber Orchestra.

Handouts for each game are available on the website of our chamber LARP community:

Vincitore della medaglia Mazzini 2021 per il miglior gioco italiano assegnata dalle Carbonerie Ludiche


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